A well woman exam is focused around the specific areas of a woman's body. This includes Pap Smears, Mammograms, DEXA scans, and screening for osteoporosis and colon health. This is in addition to the standard checks of weight and blood pressure. A well woman exam is highly recommended to catch serious health concerns, specifically in a woman's body. We also provide contraceptive surveillance and management.
A Pap smear (Pap test) is a screening done to check for cervical cancer. This can also detect cells that may become cancerous in the future. This test can also show the presence of Human papillomavirus (HPV). This test is completed by visually looking at your cervix as well as a swab is taken to test for the lab to review.
A mammogram is a test to detect signs of breast cancer. This test is completed by taking an x-ray of each breast. The x-ray will need to be read by a radiologist and results will be given after the readings.
Contraceptives are treatments used to prevent pregnancy. There are a few different types that can be done, with each their own pros and cons. Setting up an appointment is a great way to discuss all contraceptive options offered and the best choice for your body.